About Us

OpenRepair HK is a non-profit project aiming to make repair more convenient, trustworthy and reliable. By linking potential customers with repairers, the platform allows people to make an appointment via the website immediately. There is no need to leave your phone behind in the workshop and the pricing is transparent. 





JJ, Bobby and “A Fu ” (two repairers and an investor respectively) are three co-founders of the repair company CFuDo in Hong Kong.

JJ studied BBA at the City University of Hong Kong, while Bobby studied aircraft engineering at VTC. After graduation, Bobby worked for his uncle, who is an experienced repairer in Sin Tat Plaza, and after half a year, he told JJ that repair was interesting, asking JJ to join his apprenticeship. They eventually decided to found their own business after a year of learning.

Initially, they rented a store in MongKok Ginza Plaza. But every beginning is difficult. Back then, they were not famous yet and had a lot to learn. Times were tough until they came up with a more innovative approach. They actively promoted themselves online and made different discount offers to attract customers. They decided to split into two stores after three years because the rent there was expensive and they found their roles overlapped in the same store. And so currently, CFuDo has two stores, one in MongKok and one in Shatin. In October 2021, JJ joined OpenRepair Hong Kong to serve CUHK students better by coming to campus once a week.

Rolien Hoyng
(Project Leader)

Rolien is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She researches digital technology in several aspects, one of which is how they become waste.

More about her: http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/en-GB/people-m/teaching-staff/hoyng-rolien

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Kassandra Lai
(Marketing and Communications Officer)

Kassandra is a Journalism and Communication student. She wants to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues. She loves doing sports and visiting cafes, and she is a huge fan of cinnamon and coffee (with plant-milk) !


Karina Lai
(Web Maintenance Officer)

Karina, an Urban Studies student, loves outdoor activities and has a cute black poodle! She is also an enthusiastic foodie who loves café hopping!


Isaiah, a firm believer in environmentalism, has endeavored to practice a plant-based diet despite being a meat-lover. As a tech enthusiast, he has become Rolien’s research assistant when he was in his sophormore year. He has inadvertently contributed to the environment after participating in the project to reduce e-waste. 


Jasper, another researcher of the project, loves the nature so much that he hikes regularly.


(Web Designer and Developer)

Alvina loves to draw and she is very inspired to join the web developing team to make some new designs. She relies a lot on her computer to finish her design, and she will always bring her computer to repair whenever it breaks down. And guess what, Alvina is very proud that her laptop is still working after 5 years! 


(Web Developer)

Winky is a Computer Science student. The self-taught web developer has improved her web developing skills bit by bit through this project with the aid of “Stack Overflow”! What’s more, Winky loves her laptop very much. Not only is it pink, it is light and can process numerous applications!