Welcome to OpenRepair HK!

 Let’s repair, reuse and rejoice!

Did your gadgets or electronic device just break down? We are here to help !

What would you do with your old or malfunctioning phone?

Would you keep it or would you dump it?

Or would you sell it and buy a new one?  

Why don’t you repair it and reuse it?

What are you waiting for ?

Book your gadget repair with OpenRepair Now!

Special Offers!

The CUHK-based OpenRepair HK is now offering a bunch of fabulous discounts and offers, including a 5%-off discount to customers who like our social media pages (Facebook & Instagram) and a 10%-off discount to those who have their (more than two-year-old) devices repaired. There is even a special discount for students with low GPA, life is not all misery!